Saturday 15 March 2014

Liebster Award #2

Hello! I've already done a Liebster Award post, here, but when I was nominated another 3 times I just couldn't resist doing another post! The lovely HannahHayley and Abigail nominated me so here are my answers to their questions! I love answering the questions and just think it's such a great idea! So here's the Liebster Award post... #2! 

Here are the rules for receiving this award:

1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves. 
2. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.

11 facts about me:
1. I went to a choir audition with my friend once with no intention to audition but ended up auditioning and getting into the choir - and there were some people who went to didn't!
2. I am an only child.
3. I would love to travel the world.
4. I love baking but get frustrated at cooking.
5. I have never broken a bone in my body.
6. I've never been completely and utterly in love with just one band. There's so many I love!
7. I really want to go to New York.
8. One of my best friends and I have our own accent and always talk in it when we're together!
9. I am always making lists of stuff to do but never stick to them (I do get the things done, just not always in the order, haha)
10. I can be a bit of a perfectionist at times.
11. Currently my favourite TV programme is "Gogglebox" and "My Mad Fat Diary".

Hannah's Questions
1. What is your favorite perfume?
Lola by Marc Jacobs - but I've just run out of it! I also really like Darling by Kylie Minogue.

2. What do you think is your best feature?
I quite like my legs!

3. Your current favourite song?
Oo that's a tricky one! It would probably be "Happy" by Pharrell Williams.

4. In 10 years time where do you see yourself?
Pursuing a creative career in an industry - fashion, beauty etc!

5. What social networking site are you most obsessed with?

6. Your current favorite makeup product/Do you recommend any?
L'Oreal Micellar Solution - it's so gentle and removes make up like a dream! (full post, here)

7. What is your favourite thing about Bloglovin?
I like being able to see all the blogs I follow in one place and be able to scroll through and read everyone's posts!

8. What is on your bucket list for this summer coming?
To have the best summer yet, spending it with all my friends having a laugh before we all go our own ways and venture to uni... ahh!

9. What blogs do you like to read?
There's so many I love! Away With The Fairies is one of my favourites - I love her reviews and photos.

10. Are you a tea lover or hater?
100% tea lover! How could you hate it?!

11. What is your favorite thing to eat on a hot summers day? 
Ice cream!

Hayley's Questions:
1. drugstore or high end?
Drugstore... you can't beat finding a great bargain product!

2. tea or coffee?

3. natural or bold colours?
Make up wise - natural! I find them a lot easier to wear and don't have the worry of something not looking right.

4. staple fashion accessory?
Hmm... I'd say my bag! I recently got a new gorgeous one (I'll blog about soon!) which I think just completes any outfit.

5. summer or winter?
Wow that's hard. My instinct would say winter because I love curling up on the sofa with a hot drink in front of the fire! And summer in England isn't always that spectacular weather wise...

6. if you had to choose one beauty product, what would it be and why?
Oo... Either moisturiser or mascara!

7. favorite bloggers? 
I absolutely adore LLYMLRS - her blogs are stunning! I love so many blogs it's hard to choose a few.

8. whats one thing you would love to do in your life time?
Travel the world :)

9. favorite film?
Love Actually - it always has me in stitches!

10. favourite celebrity?
Female - Emma Watson! She is so beautiful.
Male - gahh... Zac Efron/Tom Hiddleston/Josh Hutcherson

11. finally, what's your favorite food?
Macaroons! Especially the caramel ones...

Abigail's Questions
1. What is your favourite childhood film and why?
The Aristocats *everybody wants to be a cat*

2. Your favourite make-up brand?

Hmm it's hard choosing just one as so many have a great range of products!

3. What era would you go back to you if you had a time machine?
1920s - I adore the fashion! Just look at Gatsby...

4. In your eyes, what is the best TV show ever made?

5. Do you have any tattoos, if so what are they?

I don't have any tattoos.

6. What piece of advice to give out the most? A.K.A, what is your motto in life?

One of my favourite quotes is, "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live" - Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (J.K. Rowling). I take it to mean make the most out of everyday and don't get too worked up about your dreams - don't "forget to live".

7. What is your favourite smell/fragrance?
My favourite smell would be my mum's cooking - especially spaghetti bolognese!
My favourite fragrance is Lola by Marc Jacobs. 

8. Night or Day?
When it's lovely and sunny outside, day! But when it's raining definitely night.

9. What was the last good deed you did?

Er well one that I found memorable was whilst sorting out the garden the other day we discovered three lizards (not gonna lie, did scream a little) and popped them round the back of the shed. That counts, right?

10. If you had the balls to dye your hair any colour, what would it be?

Blonde! Although it's not as adventurous as pink or blue but I've always wondered what I'd look like blonde. I have it dip dyed  blonde but if I found/knew what shade would suit me all over I'd love to give it a go!

11. What is your favourite time of year?

I'm always looking forward to the summer holidays... exams are done, no homework/coursework stress... I can't wait! 

So there's my second Liebster Award post, I hope you enjoyed reading! I didn't tag the full 11 people last time so this time I wanted to tag everyone who has under 200 followers and fancies giving this a go :) 

My questions:
1. What's your favourite thing about summer?
2. What was the last film you saw and what did you think of it?
3. Favourite ice cream flavour?
4. Bold eyes or bold lips?
5. Favourite Disney character?
6. What superhero power would you want?
7. Any siblings?
8. Favourite F.R.I.E.N.D.S. character?
9. Any piercings?
10. Stripes or polka dots?
11. Favourite blog?

Please let me know in the comments if you've done this post, I'd love to see your answers!


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