Monday, 29 December 2014

The Next Big Thing: Flixel Photos

Through watching the 20th cycle of America's Next Top Model, I discovered Flixel Photos. An app and piece of software that enables you to create your own cinemagraph - or Flixel. A combination of a still photograph and video, they are a new and exciting way to show an image and tell a story. Flixel Photos will be perfect for my Next Big Thing brief, and I am looking forward to researching more into the app and company.

Saturday, 27 December 2014

What I got for Christmas 2014

Christmas. I love the whole process; choosing a present (although it can be hard to think of certain family members, I'm thinking of you Nan!), wrapping it, watching it sit under the tree (in my case only for a matter of hours, I finished wrapping at 11:45pm on Christmas Eve), to seeing people's faces when they open it (silently praying they like it). And of course receiving, I can't lie. 

For those who are much more organised than me, their presents had been sitting there under the tree for a little while, and despite studying their shapes and sizes, I didn't have a clue what the festive wrapping paper masked.

To say the following photo shows a lot of presents sitting and around the Christmas tree is an understatement. This year there was 9 of us on Christmas Day, the most we'd had for years. It was lovely spending time with my family and friends I hadn't seen properly since before I went off to uni. And of course, I ate and drank far too much and am currently slouched on the sofa watching everything and anything.

One of my all time favourite posts to read is what people got for Christmas, and I thought I'd share some of the goodies I received from my family and friends.

Friday, 26 December 2014

Life in photos #12

Today I managed to stuff myself with even more food and also had 2 naps. Boxing Day accomplished.

1. Rummaging through the pressies - who's that for then, Maddie? | 2. Christmas morning breakfast | 3. The dogs enjoying their Christmas treats | 4. Looking a little lost there | 5. My Nanny knitted the cutest little covers for a Ferraro Rocher | 6. There's no room for you Daisy | 7. It's all too much for her | 8. Found this little one hiding away from all the noise and commotion | 9. Baby

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Life in photos #11

1. Cheeky selfie | 2. Gorgeous stripes notebook for the next term from Sighh Designs | 3. Catch up with my friends | 4. Macaroons at Westfield | 5. Christmas meal at a friends house, homemade pavlova | 6. GBK | 7. Sweet potato chips and baconaise sauce | 8. Two icons | 9. A lovely necklace I bought for my friend Sarah for Christmas 

Term One: reflection

My first term of university is over. 10 weeks away from home living a brand new life and experiences.

I have changed so much in 10 weeks, and I can't begin to describe how weird it is going back to a place (home) where basically nothing had changed. I've changed a lot as a person, in a good way and for the better I'd like to think, and I have really felt my confidence and happiness blossom.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Face of the Future - Steven Meisel

For my visual critique essay I have decided to talk about this image, photographed by Steven Meisel for Vogue Italia, 2012. I love the composition of the image and feel there is a lot of connotations: the mask, the eyes, the make up.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Life in photos #10

1. Caramel cream frappuccino on my train journey home | 2. Also assisting me on my journey | 3. Watching my favourite film on the train | 4. I was so pleased to see his little face | 5. Loved this in IKEA | 6. A trip to IKEA can not be complete without the meatballs | 7. When the sun shines in winter it makes everything look beautiful | 8. Burning this beast | 9. My Nanny always makes the best Christmas cards

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Quote from Timba Smits

"In life we do things. Many things. Some we wish we had never done. Some we wish we could replay a million times over in our heads. But they all make us who we are and in the end they shape every aspect, every detail about us. If we were to reverse any of them we wouldn't be the person we are. So just LIVE, make mistakes, have wonderful memories but NEVER second guess who you are, the things you have done, where you have been and most importantly where it is you're GOING."

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Life in photos #9

1. Anything is possible | 2. I can't lie, almost bought this for myself! | 3. I never thought I'd be purchasing toy ponies for my degree (Object of Desire brief) | 4. Flat family Christmas meal | 5. RAW Print lecture | 6. 2nd Christmas meal with the gang | 7. Why not? | 8. My secret santa present, the amount of wrapping was crazy... | 8. This is what was in the big box in all of the wrapping! I've been needing a travel mug for ages and it's travel themed = so me

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Christmas List 2014

Now the first term of uni is over I thought I'd gather a range of things that have made it onto my christmas list this year.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Object of Desire

On Monday we were set the task of a photo brief, with the theme of an "object of desire". We were told to focus on a particular item such as a trainer, a mascara or a bag. After looking at this Pinterest board, I was particularly inspired by the use of small toys with an item of make up. And here is what I created...

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf's

Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf's (Matthew Miele, 2013) is a documentary showing behind the scenes at Bergdorf Goodman, the iconic department store in Manhattan. There are a range of interviews with designers, celebrities and style icons. It was a real treat to see how the window displays came to life, watching the extravagant designs crafted by hand, all leading up to the big reveal.

"If fashion had a home, this would be the address."

Monday, 1 December 2014

The changing face of fashion: Kendall Jenner

Kendall Jenner. I'm sure a lot of connotations pop into your head when you see/hear her name. Kardashians and Kim most likely to be the first few words. However it appears model is now starting to creep in. 

Which I personally am a huge fan of.

I can't stand the fact that she is getting so much hate and abuse from this all. She's beautiful, tall and can photographic fashion like a dream. Why doesn't she deserve to be a model when she has all the qualities to be one? Because of her family name? And being a sister in the "Kardashian Krew"? If so, it's absurd.

When I first saw her cover for Dazed and Confused I was so excited. Not only did she look insane, I really felt she was starting to be taken seriously. Possibly my favourite part of the piece is the Kendall Jenner Burn Book video.

With all this hate coming her way, left, right and centre, what best way to deal with it? Write a burn book, obviously...

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Life in photos #8

1. Eat your heart out McDonalds, scrambled egg and bacon wrap for breakfast | 2. Dominos with the girls | 3. Syrup sponge pudding is life | 4. Bae cleaning my bathroom hahaha | 5. I'm so healthy | 6. Ice skating | 7. Christmas market in Notts | 8. Churros aka heaven | 9. I love Christmas

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, colours and ages

I thought I'd share the post that really inspired me when researching for my debate on Thursday, and it also gives links to find out more information about each person.

9 Women Who Represent The Unconventional Beauty 
Melanie Gaydos

Friday, 28 November 2014

Fashion does more damage than good. Does it?

In yesterday's seminar we debated in teams whether fashion does more damage than good. Split into four groups, a whole variety of topics and issues were raised about the consumer and industry:

"Fashion does more damage than good"

  • For - focusing on the industry
  • Against - focusing on the consumer
  • For - focusing on the industry
  • Against - focusing on the consumer

I was in the group arguing that "Fashion does more damage than good - AGAINST", focusing on the consumer. This led to researching into how the fashion industry is a beneficial and positive to the consumer and society.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Chanel x (Cara + Pharrell) = Reincarnation

A collaboration between one of the hottest models and one of the biggest figures in music of the moment? If you're anything like me, just seeing the (quite simply, stunning) portrait shot of the two mega stars, I was taken aback. Cara. Pharrell. Cara AND Pharrell?! Just the sight of two such incredibly talented and, let's face it, famous and rich individuals posed together, not to mention as husband and wife, is quite frankly jaw-dropping. Oh, and did I mention it was for Chanel?

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


On the right sidebar is a little questionnaire that I have created for a debate on Thursday, it would be great if you could do it, it'll take less than 2 minutes!

Thank you!

Monday, 24 November 2014

The Ways of Seeing

John Berger explores the impact of photography and discusses the different ways we can now see an image. He also compares this new way of seeing an image to art from the past.

One comment on the video from YouTube said that if you have ever seen, taken, made or captured an image then this programme is worth watching, and I couldn't agree more. 

This programme was made 42 years ago (1972) for the BBC, and it amazes me how relevant it still is. Technology and the way we see images now has developed far and beyond anyone's imagination in this period of time and a lot of theories and explanations just aren't relevant in today's world. It was really interesting watching this and being able to relate to it so well.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Life in photos #7

1. I am not a morning person. No. No. No. | 2. I was up and awake and it was still dark outside | 3. The V&A | 4. Burberry flagship store on Regent Street | 5. Christmas Starbucks - Honey and Almond hot chocolate | 6. Inside the V&A | 7. Who Are You? | 8. navigating our way around the underground (quite impressed I figured it out so quickly, it had been a while!) | 9. A detail of Grayson Perry's Comfort Blanket (also sums me up)

On Monday we had a trip to London predominantly to see The Horst exhibition at the V&A. It's strange being so far away from it. I didn't go there that often, but it only takes me 40 minutes by train from home and the traffic on the coach journey there took almost 5 hours from Notts *shudder*. However I did sleep the whole journey!

In the space of 6 hours we went to:
  • The Horst exhibition at the V&A
  • London College of Fashion to see Simon Costin's Impossible Catwalk Shows
  • Oxford Street and Regent Street
  • Burberry flagship store on Regent Street
  • Grayson Perry: Who Are you? exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery

In Vogue: The Editor's Eye

After thoroughly enjoying The September Issue, a documentary showing the creative process of a Vogue magazine coming to life, I was looking forward to watch In Vogue: The Editor's Eye (Bailey and Barbato, 2012), which takes a closer look at the past and present editor's of the world's fashion bible. Not only did I thoroughly enjoy it, I found it one of the most inspiring and entertaining films I have ever watched.

Photographed by Annie Leibovitz - Image source

Saturday, 15 November 2014

2014 Christmas adverts have arrived

"It's the most wonderful time of the year" if you didn't sing that in your head you should be ashamed.

Summer (and let's face it, the sun) seems like a distant memory now, with the crisp winter winds creeping in, and your scarf becoming your best friend. And what gets us through these chilly mornings, it turning dark at 4pm? Christmas!

Friday, 14 November 2014

Life in photos #6

1. Break a work | 2. Celebratory Christmas Costa after our presentations | 3. Kate Moss interview for December Vogue | 4. Never a good start to the day (it's okay, I had another box) | 5. I want to try all of the Christmas Costa drinks! | 6. I demolished the whole tub in two sittings. I have no regrets | 7. My friend sent me this of my cat, I want a cuddle! | 8. Watching a film in a lecture with the essentials | 9. Tea makes the world go round

It may be evident I like tea. Well, I do. A lot.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

The One and Only: Adele

""When I sing ‘Someone Like You,’ I know that every single person in the room will be able to relate to it. That’s where that emotional connection comes from. I have sympathy for myself, I have sympathy for them, they have sympathy for me, and I know that we are all there knowing exactly how each other feels.""

Monday, 10 November 2014

Life in photos #5

1. A new side of my wardrobe to go with my newly tidied room | 2. The perfect tea timer | 3. Tea (perfectly timed after using the timer) | 4. The greatest lip balm ever | 5. Dinner with my family at Wetherspoons | 6. American style pancakes | 7. Breakfast wrap | 8. The essentials: break at work | 9. The only thing that got me through the wait for the bus home after work (I had just missed one!)

Friday, 7 November 2014

Life in photos #4

1. Pesto pasta | 2. Favourite | 3. Oh MAC, can I have everything please? | 4. The usual make up mess | 5. A lovely postcard from one of my oldest and best friends | 6. My speciality: chips, beans and cheese (and BBQ sauce) | 7. Lovely lunch with fashion friends | 8. New dogtooth and tartan scarf | 9. Heavenly chocolate cake at Wetherspoons

Compositional mood boards

In a recent seminar we looked at different ways to compose a mood board. We focused on 4 main types:

  • grid
  • freeform
  • minimum
  • maximum

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Life in photos #3

Bonfire night and fireworks

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Life in photos #2

1. Reading about Coco Chanel | 2. Pointed shoe heaven in Zara | 3. Magazine analysis | 4. "I have so much to do" - Alexa Chung knows | 5. View waiting for the bus | 6. A rainy evening in Notts | 7. Scaffolding | 8. Pesto pasta, pancetta and peas | 9. Olivia's roses

Friday, 31 October 2014

You can never have too many shoes...

Happy Halloween! Apart from when I was little I've never really done anything for Halloween, but I've been really looking forward to it this year - it's a chance to dress up, play around with make up and go out and have a good time! I'll post some photos of my make up look in the next week.

If you saw my post, On point, then you will already know that I am loving the trend of the pointed shoe stepping into the high street. I've compiled a wish list on Polyvore of shoes I am currently lusting over - and of course, included pointed shoes.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Paul Smith: Gentleman Designer

Living in Nottingham it only seemed right to learn more about Paul Smith, as it is the quirky British designer's hometown. In a recent lecture we watched Paul Smith: Gentleman Designer (Stéphane Carrell, 2012).

Monday, 27 October 2014

The September Issue

I've always had a strong passion and interest in the magazine industry, I'd always have piles of them around my room, admiring everything from the celebrities, fashion, editorial and the graphic design. So, watching a documentary film that goes behind the doors of the fashion bible of the world, Vogue, seemed like it would be right up my street. And it was.

Friday, 24 October 2014

When adverts attract attention

When it comes to YouTube adverts, I have a love/hate relationship. I'm pretty sure a lot of people do. I can normally cope with them, especially the ones where you can skip it after 5 seconds, but the 30 second ones where you are unable to skip can become frustrating. Sometimes I'm not too bothered about them but other times when I eager to watch a video, I can become a little impatient.

Image source

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Magazine analysis: Company & Puss Puss

In a recent seminar we were instructed to bring two magazines of our choice, one that we read regularly and were very familiar with and the other one that we had never read before.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Fashion stories: Chanel & Zara

Classic and timeless. Simple, androgynous and clean cut shapes with an elegant edge. Minimalistic and sophisticated, completed in a neutral and monochrome colour palette.

Chanel - image source

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Marc Jacobs: 2 brands, 1 man

Marc Jacobs and Louis Vuitton (Loïc Prigent, 2007) follows Marc Jacobs, head designer of his own brand and Louis Vuitton in a brilliant and exciting documentary. Jacobs was made creative director of the luxurious French fashion house Louis Vuitton in 1997 (and left in 2013) and we see him create their first ready to wear collection, a new and thrilling time for any company.

Image source

Friday, 17 October 2014

Fashion stories: Versace and River Island

Italian/Roman embellishment. Jewel toned baroque and luxurious patterns. Multi-textual and excess indulgence.

River Island S/S 2013 - Image source

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Life in photos #1

My name is Jemma and I take photographs a lot. There, I've said it. My friends and family are constantly moaning at me when they see me whip my phone out, pausing for a few seconds whilst I grab a quick snap of a cake, cat, tree or sign. If I like it and want to remember it,  and therefore I will capture it. (Often with a square crop so I can Instagram it!)

As a creative person I've always loved photography and the possibilities of editing them. I've had dozens of photo editing apps on my phone (I'll share my favourites soon) and am a keen user of Photoshop. During my AS Photography course my favourite part was the post-production, tweaking and manipulating my photographs.

I always have the "Storage almost full" notification on my phone because of the volume of photos I have on my phone. Yes, I'm a photo hoarder too. I just don't like deleting photos. Even if they are backed up on my laptop. What if I want to show that picture of my dog in the park from February last year but I deleted it?

So, I've decided I want to share some of my photographs in the format of "my life in photos", presenting 9 images that show what I've been up to in the week.

1. Courtney's cupcakes | 2. Selfie | 3. My one true love, tea | 4. Reading with crumpets and tea (of course) | 5. You know your day is going to be good when it starts with this | 6. Autumn is here | 7. Lasagne for dinner is always a good idea | 8. Pub quiz and karaoke | Nachos

Sunday, 12 October 2014

The Secret World of Haute Couture

The Secret World of Haute Couture is a BBC FOUR documentary exploring the little-known about world of haute couture. 

Before I talk about the programme I will quickly show where haute couture is on the fashion pyramid:

  • Haute Couture
  • Couture
  • Designer
  • High-end retailers
  • High-street

Couture fitting in New York - Image source

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

On point

Over the last few weeks I have seen a significant rise in the pointed shoe, a style I have always been a fan of. The rounded toe has never really appealed to me. I'm not saying I've never worn them (because I have), but I have always favoured the point as I find it makes the shoe much more interesting.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Discovering new blogs

One thing I absolutely love about blogging is discovering new and inspiring blogs to follow and read. To discover new blogs, I head to Bloglovin, where you can easily find blogs of a particular genre. Here are three blogs that I have recently discovered and have already become firm favourites of mine.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

2 fashion films to watch

Film has the ability to engage, entertain and educate an audience, allowing them to be completely submerged into a new world; a place where they can forget about their worries and be transported into an unknown place for a period of time.

I am a particular fan of documentary cinema, and have recently watched two influential and inspiring fashion films; Bill Cunningham New York (Richard Press, 2010) and Mademoiselle C (Fabien Constant, 2013).

Image source - BCNY | Image source - MC

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone

On Saturday 20th September I left home and set off for a brand new life at Nottingham Trent University studying Fashion Communication and Promotion. After the 6 hour car journey (which should have only taken 3!) I finally arrived and met my flat mates that I'd be living with for the next 10 months.

With the majority of people on my course being new to the city, we were set the task of a treasure hunt around Nottingham, introducing us to a vast range of quirky bars and shops.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Oh wow, it's been a while...

Wow, er, remember me? I can't really believe it's been well over a month since my last post. This summer is going so quickly! After finishing my A Levels I thought I'd be blogging near on everyday, writing dozens of posts and being extremely organised with my photographs... however it clearly didn't work out like that.

So where on earth have I been since the end of June? On the 26th it was my school prom which was absolutely amazing, it was so much fun getting all dressed up and spending a night with all of my friends. 

Prom marked the start of my pretty hectic period of time that followed. I was in London for a week doing work experience, which was brilliant, as well as working at my new part time job, seeing friends here and there all whilst preparing for my holiday in Turkey! It was a bit of a whirlwind time, but after at one point, a solid 10 days working, I couldn't wait to lay on a sun lounger with a cocktail by the pool... and don't worry, I did just that. I had the most incredible 10 days in Turkey, I met some amazing people and really didn't want to go home - I even cried when I got home! I now have the worst holiday blues ever, wahh.

I had originally planned to do a quick post before I left, (clearly didn't happen aha) but seeing as I was sorting out my music for the flight etc and packing on the day we were leaving, I ran out of time.

When I got home from my holiday, in all honesty, I had a real lack of motivation. After such a brilliant time away, especially after meeting some great people, home wasn't really the place I wanted to be. I was just a bit fed up, grumpy and really missing everyone I'd met in/and Turkey. Even the sunshine couldn't cheer me up - it just isn't the same without a pool is it?...

The following weeks then consisted of catching up with my friends and V Festival! It was my first festival, and it was absolutely incredible. I'm thinking of doing a post on it so I won't say too much now, but by far my highlight was The Killers... gah they were so amazing!!

So, here I am. I still haven't got my head around the fact that September is just around the corner, as the next month brings university, however I know what an exciting time is ahead, and I can't wait to see what the next few months/years brings holds.

On a side note, I had actually prepared a May Favourites post, it just never got posted... I think maybe the time has passed for me to post it now, as it does feel like May was years ago haha, so I have decided to combine May, June and July, showing a range of things I'd been loving over the past few months!

Sorry it's been a while, but I'm back!


Sunday, 22 June 2014

That beautiful palette going by the name of Naked 3. Heard of it?

If you haven't seen or heard of the Naked 3 palette by Urban Decay, where have you been? This palette has been raved over by dozens of beauty bloggers, and after finally getting my hands on it, I can definitely see why. In all honesty, when it was first launched at the end of last year, eyeshadow wasn't really my thing. Oh how half a year can change things. My reason for not being a big eyeshadow wearer was due to my deep in-set eyes, and my lack of a clear visible crease. I used to get so frustrated with my eyes after watching make up tutorials, as all of the hard work and effort would never by visible when I opened my eyes. After getting so fed up, I decided to experiment more and began creating looks where the eyeshadow was still visible, as my eyes were my eyes and there was changing that. A few months ago my friend Maddie purchased the Naked 3 palette, and after drooling and cooing at the gorgeous colours, I decided that it was time to get this beauty in my life.

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Sighh Designs Rosy Case

For those of you who have read my blog for a while now, you may remember a post about Sighh Designs, link here, an online shop selling fun phone cases and pocket mirrors (and now nail transfers too!) all illustrated by the lovely Polly Vadasz. I own two pocket mirrors, and they have since been a staple in my handbag, applying a bit of lipstick, checking I don't have panda eyes. For my birthday I received this gorgeous rose case, aptly named the "Rosy" case. I was so excited to finally have a phone case from Sighh Designs after wanting one for ages.

Friday, 20 June 2014

MAC Osbourne Collection - Kelly Yum Yum

I was so excited at the announcement of the MAC Osbourne collection, a collaboration with the fabulous Sharon and Kelly Osbourne. One particular item that caught my eye was the gorgeous hot pink lipstick in Kelly's range, Kelly Yum Yum. I'm not one to buy without swatching, especially with MAC's £16.50 price tag. My friend Maddie had tried to get some bits the day it was released online, however the items were all sold out by the time she got to the checkout, and I've heard a fair few others facing the same issue! I'd seen the collection was due to be released in stores on the 12th, so I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it in House of Fraser on the 11th! I asked one of the girls who was working if the collection was in stock and she said they were, although some things had already sold out. When she told me that Kelly Yum Yum was still in stock, I did the quickest swatch, like, ever!

Wednesday, 18 June 2014


Hello! On Sunday it was my 18th birthday, and I thought I'd do a little show and tell of some of the goodies I received. Birthday hauls are one of my favourite type of posts to read so I thought I'd give it a go and write my own! Of course, I am by no means "showing off" or "bragging" about my presents, I just wanted to share some of the things my incredible friends and family gave me!

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

I'm back and - BIRTHDAY WISH LIST!

Hello, I'm back! I had my last exam on Tuesday, now leaving me free from exams and a great, long summer ahead. This also means I can now blog regularly again, and I hope to post more fashion posts like OOTDs as well as FOTDs! 

I also have some exciting news... it's my birthday on Sunday... yaaay! Today I have been especially feeling the "birthday bug" (is that even a thing? Or have I just made it up?!) as some parcels and cards arrived for me today! I'm so excited! Here's a mixture of some bits and bobs that made have made its way onto my wish list/birthday wish list.

1. Urban Decay - Naked 3 palette
2. Models Own - Polish for Tans/Hyper Gel/Barry M Gelly Hi Shine
3. Owl tart burner (and some Yankee Candle wax tarts)
4. Tangle Teezer
5. MAC Red lipstick (who else is excited for Lorde's collection later this month?! I know I am!)
6. Real Techniques - Starter Set/Retractable Kabuki/Duo Fibre
7. DVDs - Frozen/One Direction This Is Us/Gossip Girl/Now You See Me

Also exciting news - I picked up the gorgeous Kelly Yum Yum from the MAC Osbourne collection today in House of Fraser. I'd heard from my friend that the collection sold out in 10 minutes online yesterday and wouldn't be available in stores until the 12th (tomorrow). My jaw dropped when I saw the stand today and rushed in, swatched it, applied it, purchased it! I also picked up another one and Dodgy Girl for my friend! I'll do a post on Kelly Yum Yum soon!

How is everyone? Have you picked up anything new recently? I feel like I've been away for ages and am not up to date with the beauty world! Has anyone else picked up anything from the MAC Osbourne collection?


Thursday, 29 May 2014

My Skin Care Routine - How I Tackle Dry Skin

Wow, I can't believe my last post was over a week ago - very sorry! I'm currently on study leave and have been revising for my exams so my blog has taken a temporary backseat. But fear not, I'll be back to normal in less than a month now! So, today I thought I'd tell you about my current skin care routine, tackling dry skin!

Sunday, 18 May 2014

MISSGUIDED summer wishlist

With the sun and blue skies in full swing, I thought I'd share a wish list full of gorgeous summer outfits from From adorable co-ordinates, fun playsuits and to cute dresses, there's so many lovely items I'd love to have in my wardrobe.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Topshop Cut Out Boots

Black boots are a staple in anyone and everyone's wardrobe. They're comfy, smart and go with everything. I picked these gorgeous Topshop black boots back in March, and as I've been loving them so much, I thought it was about time they made an appearance on my blog!

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